Video Compression Guide

Learn the best way to export your video files for Smashcut!

Andrea avatar
Written by Andrea
Updated over a week ago

Smashcut supports MP4, .mov and .avi video files.
Please use the H.264 compression format.

Your video editing software will have an option to export your video file after you save your project. You may have the option to compress your file to H.264 straight out of your editor. If not, we put together a guide to exporting using a free app called HandBrake. 

TIP:  HandBrake is a free video transcoder that makes it easy to compress your video files to MP4. 

If you have a question about using HandBrake, or are running into an error, please check out HandBrake's Support FAQ.

You can use the following instructions when transcoding your video with HandBrake

  1. When you open HandBrake, you will be prompted to select your source file. This is the video file you saved and exported from your editing software. 

  2. Select the file that you want to work with, then click "Open." HandBrake will scan the source file, which may take several seconds.

  3. Once your file is ready to go, Handbrake will automatically load in some default information 

Video files must be 3GB or smaller and exported as H.264, .mov, .avi or MP4 before uploading to Smashcut.

Summary tab

  • Format: Set to MP4 File (the default). Web optimized, IPod 5G support, and Align A/V start should remain unchecked.

  • Save as: This is the name and destination of your compressed file.

Dimensions tab

Blue stars indicate values that will depend on your file!

Filters tab

You can pretty much leave this tab alone. Everything should be OFF

  • Video Encoder: H.264 (x264)

  • Framerate: Same as source

  • Select Constant Framerate

  • Preset: Very Fast

  • Quality:  Select Average Bitrate (kbps). Then, enter the average bitrate appropriate to your video file. You're most likely uplaoding a 720p (5000-10000 kbps) or 1080p (10000-20000 kbps) video file.

Skip the "Subtitles" and "Chapters" tabs. 

Now you're ready to export!

  1. Click the "Start" button in the upper left-hand corner of the app.

  2. As a last step, watch the finished, compressed, file to make sure it looks and sounds correct. If you're happy, you can upload it to Smashcut!

Are you having issues uploading videos? Reach out to us in the Help Chat

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