The My Files tab on your dashboard is home to any personal videos, images, screenplays or PDF documents you would like to upload to display on your Profile or share with fellow students or with your Instructor and Teacher Assistants.
IMPORTANT NOTE! Files you upload here cannot be submitted as Assignments for official Instructor review or grading.
Uploading Files
Click on the My Files tab
Click on Upload File
Choose whether you want to upload a single file (it can be video, pdf, jpeg) or an image collection
When you click on Upload a file, you will get this pop-up window to upload and the supported files and their sizes information
Once your file is successfully uploaded, it will show in the list.
You can show the files uploaded here in the Live Video Meetings or add them to your Profile!ย
As a Student you only have access to your own files, but you can share your files with individual users or directly to the Discussions tab!