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Syllabus tab

Learn about your Syllabus and its functionalities

Andrea avatar
Written by Andrea
Updated over a week ago

The Syllabus tab contains your Video Lessons and Assignments for the entire program. The lessons are grouped by weeks to help you stay on track throughout the course. 

Once you complete your Project Assignment, you can submit it for your Instructor to review right from the Syllabus.

Each lesson page contains a video where you, your fellow classmates, and Instructors can leave comments, a description of the lesson, and list of films featured in the video. There is also an Assignments tab where you can find your assignment for that associated lesson if there is one. You also have the option to submit your project via this path, on the Assignment tab within the lesson.

After you upload your video or screenplay, click on Submit Project. If you need to Replace of Delete the Project you submitted, click on the corresponding buttons.

Once you successfully submit your Project, you’ll see the status of your project change to “Awaiting Instructor review.”

After your Instructor reviews your Project, the status will update and prompt you to “Read Instructor's feedback.”

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